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Automated Feature Engineering with Featuretools

11 Nov 2018 - Tags: feature engineering

Featuretools is a fantastic python package for automated feature engineering. It can automatically generate features from secondary datasets which can then be used in machine learning models. In this post we’ll see how automated feature engineering with Featuretools works, and how to run it on complex multi-table datsets!


Automated Feature Engineering

What do I mean by “automated feature engineering” and how is it useful? When building predictive models, we need to have training examples which have some set of features. For most machine learning algorithms (though of course not all of them), this training set needs to take the form of a table or matrix, where each row corresponds to a single training example or observation, and each column corresponds to a different feature. For example, suppose we’re trying to predict how likely loan applicants are to successfully repay their loans. In this case, our data table will have a row for each applicant, and a column for each “feature” of the applicants, such as their income, their current level of credit, their age, etc.

Unfortunately, in most applications the data isn’t quite as simple as just one table. We’ll likely have additional data stored in other tables! To continue with the loan repayment prediction example, we could have a separate table which stores the monthly balances of applicants on their other loans, and another separate table with the credit card accounts for each applicant, and yet another table with the credit card activity for each of those accounts, and so on.

Data table tree

In order to build a predictive model, we need to “engineer” features from data in those secondary tables. These engineered features can then be added to our main data table, which we can then use to train the predictive model. For example, we could compute the number of credit card accounts for each applicant, and add that as a feature to our primary data table; we could compute the balance across each applicant’s credit cards, and add that to the primary data table; we could also compute the balance to available credit ratio and add that as a feature; etc.

With complicated (read: real-life) datasets, the number of features that we could engineer becomes very large, and the task of manually engineering all these features becomes extremely time-intensive. The Featuretoools package automates this process by automatically generating features for our primary data table from information in secondary data sources.

Deep Feature Synthesis

Featuretools uses a process they call “deep feature synthesis” to generate top-level features from secondary datasets. For each secondary table, the child table is merged with the parent table on the column which joins them (usually an ID or something). Raw features can be transformed according to transform primitives like month (which transforms a datetime into a month, or cum_sum which transforms a value to the cumulative sum of elements in that aggregation bin. Then, features are built from “aggregation primitives”, such as mean, sum, max, etc, which aggregate potentially multiple entries in the child table to a single feature in the parent dataset. This feature generation process is repeated recursively until we have a single table (the primary table) with features generated from child and sub-child (etc) tables.

Using Featuretools

To show how Featuretools works, we’ll be using it on the Home Credit Group Default Risk dataset. This dataset contains information about individuals applying for loans with Home Credit Group, a consumer lender specializing in loans to individuals with little credit history. Home Credit Group hopes to be able to predict how likely an applicant is to default on their loan, in order to decide whether a given loan plan is good for a specific applicant (or whether to suggest a different payment schedule).

The dataset contains multiple tables which relate to one another in some way. Below is a diagram which shows each data table, the information it contains, and how each table is related to each other table.

Table relationships

The primary tables (application_train.csv and application_test.csv) have information on each of the loan applications, where each row corresponds to a single application. The train table has information about whether that applicant ended up defaulting on their loan, while the test table does not (because those are the applications we’ll be testing our predictive model on). The other tables contain information about other loans (either at other institutions, in the bureau.csv and bureau_balance.csv tables, or previous loans with Home Credit, in previous_applications.csv, POS_CASH_balance.csv, instalments_payments.csv, and credit_card_balance.csv).

What are the relationships between these tables? The value in the SK_ID_CURR column of the application_*.csv and bureau.csv tables identify the applicant. That is, to combine the two tables into a single table, we could merge on SK_ID_CURR. Similarly, the SK_ID_BUREAU column in bureau.csv and bureau_balance.csv identifies the applicant, though in this case there can be multiple entries in bureau_balance.csv for a single applicant. The text in the line connecting the tables in the diagram above shows what column two tables can be merged on.

We could manually go through all these databases and construct features based on them, but this would entail not just a lot of manual work, but a lot of design decisions. For example, should we construct a feature which corresponds to the maximum amount of credit the applicant has ever carried? Or the average amount of credit? Or the monthly median credit? Should we construct a feature for how many payments the applicant has made, or how regular their payments are, or when they make their payments, etc, etc, etc?

Featuretools allows us to define our datasets, the relationships between our datasets, and automatically extracts features from child datasets into parent datasets using deep feature synthesis. We’ll use Featuretools to generate features from the data in the secondary tables in the Home Credit Group dataset, and keep features which are informative.

First let’s load the packages we need.

# Load packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import featuretools as ft
from featuretools import selection
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier

We’ll use pandas to load the data.

# Load applications data
train = pd.read_csv('application_train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('application_test.csv')
bureau = pd.read_csv('bureau.csv')
bureau_balance = pd.read_csv('bureau_balance.csv')
cash_balance = pd.read_csv('POS_CASH_balance.csv')
card_balance = pd.read_csv('credit_card_balance.csv')
prev_app = pd.read_csv('previous_application.csv')
payments = pd.read_csv('installments_payments.csv')

To ensure that featuretools creates the same features for the test set as for the training set, we’ll merge the two tables, but add a column which indicates whether each row is a test or training

# Merge application data
train['Test'] = False
test['Test'] = True
test['TARGET'] = np.nan
app = train.append(test, ignore_index=True, sort=False)

Now we can take a look at the data in the main table.

118496 237410 1.0 Revolving loans M N N 0 157500.0 247500.0 12375.0 247500.0 Unaccompanied Commercial associate Secondary / secondary special Civil marriage House / apartment 0.018209 -16608 -898 -26.0 -119 NaN 1 1 0 1 0 0 Low-skill Laborers 2.0 3 3 THURSDAY 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.0548 NaN 0.0000 NaN block of flats 0.0467 Panel No 4.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 -1007.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 False
254313 394281 0.0 Cash loans F N Y 0 238500.0 526491.0 22306.5 454500.0 Unaccompanied Working Higher education Civil marriage House / apartment 0.072508 -15175 -1127 -9211.0 -3148 NaN 1 1 1 1 1 0 Private service staff 2.0 1 1 THURSDAY 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.1456 0.0000 0.0002 reg oper account block of flats 0.3877 Panel No 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1426.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 False
48875 156605 0.0 Cash loans F N N 0 67500.0 306000.0 13608.0 306000.0 Unaccompanied Working Higher education Married House / apartment 0.025164 -11140 -1712 -821.0 -845 NaN 1 1 1 1 1 0 NaN 2.0 2 2 TUESDAY 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.0653 NaN 0.0000 reg oper account block of flats 0.0556 Panel No 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1000.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 False
52138 160377 0.0 Cash loans F N Y 0 180000.0 296280.0 19930.5 225000.0 Unaccompanied Working Secondary / secondary special Married House / apartment 0.030755 -9932 -1871 -2032.0 -469 NaN 1 1 0 1 0 0 Managers 2.0 2 2 WEDNESDAY 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.0791 0.2717 0.0000 reg oper account block of flats 0.0752 Stone, brick No 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN False
297167 444284 0.0 Cash loans M Y Y 0 45000.0 152820.0 9949.5 135000.0 Unaccompanied Working Secondary / secondary special Separated House / apartment 0.009549 -16817 -2620 -2603.0 -157 15.0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Drivers 1.0 2 2 TUESDAY 14 0 0 0 1 1 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1714.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 False
146029 269323 0.0 Cash loans M Y N 0 202500.0 521280.0 28278.0 450000.0 Unaccompanied Working Lower secondary Single / not married House / apartment 0.019689 -8448 -1125 -3276.0 -1115 8.0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Drivers 1.0 2 2 MONDAY 12 0 0 0 1 1 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 -536.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN False
236319 373722 0.0 Cash loans M N N 0 224802.0 1633473.0 43087.5 1363500.0 Unaccompanied Working Incomplete higher Single / not married House / apartment 0.022800 -8995 -508 -24.0 -1673 NaN 1 1 1 1 1 0 Laborers 1.0 2 2 WEDNESDAY 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.3271 0.0039 0.0087 org spec account block of flats 0.2932 Panel No 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -2.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 False
327884 247902 NaN Cash loans M N Y 0 202500.0 746280.0 59094.0 675000.0 Unaccompanied Commercial associate Secondary / secondary special Single / not married House / apartment 0.025164 -16345 -401 -168.0 -5308 NaN 1 1 0 1 0 0 Laborers 1.0 2 2 THURSDAY 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 True
108336 225672 0.0 Cash loans F Y Y 0 360000.0 2250000.0 59485.5 2250000.0 Unaccompanied Pensioner Higher education Separated House / apartment 0.026392 -22804 365243 -4600.0 -1567 2.0 1 0 0 1 0 0 NaN 1.0 2 2 THURSDAY 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0.4250 NaN 0.4709 NaN block of flats 0.1515 Monolithic No 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 -649.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 False
160040 285530 0.0 Cash loans F N N 2 135000.0 178290.0 14215.5 157500.0 Unaccompanied Commercial associate Incomplete higher Married House / apartment 0.035792 -13106 -105 -1435.0 -5560 NaN 1 1 0 1 1 0 Managers 4.0 2 2 FRIDAY 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -1344.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 False

The first step in using Featuretools is to define the “entities”, each of which is one data file or table, and the columns along which they are indexed. We’ll first create an EntitySet, which is, obviously, a set of entities or tables.

# Create an entity set
es = ft.EntitySet(id='applications')

Now we can add tables to this entity set. We’ll define the datatype of each column (variable) in the table using a dictionary, and pass that to Featuretools’ entity_from_dataframe function.

# Add dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id='applications',

We can view our entity set so far,

Entityset: applications
    applications [Rows: 356255, Columns: 123]
    No relationships

And the datatypes of each column in the applications dataframe.

    Entity: applications
        SK_ID_CURR (dtype: index)
        TARGET (dtype: numeric)
        NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        CODE_GENDER (dtype: categorical)
        FLAG_OWN_CAR (dtype: categorical)
        FLAG_OWN_REALTY (dtype: categorical)
        CNT_CHILDREN (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_INCOME_TOTAL (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_CREDIT (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_ANNUITY (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_GOODS_PRICE (dtype: numeric)
        NAME_TYPE_SUITE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_INCOME_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_FAMILY_STATUS (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_HOUSING_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        REGION_POPULATION_RELATIVE (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_BIRTH (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_EMPLOYED (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_REGISTRATION (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_ID_PUBLISH (dtype: numeric)
        OWN_CAR_AGE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_MOBIL (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_EMP_PHONE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_WORK_PHONE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_CONT_MOBILE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_PHONE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_EMAIL (dtype: numeric)
        OCCUPATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        CNT_FAM_MEMBERS (dtype: numeric)
        REGION_RATING_CLIENT (dtype: numeric)
        REGION_RATING_CLIENT_W_CITY (dtype: numeric)
        WEEKDAY_APPR_PROCESS_START (dtype: categorical)
        HOUR_APPR_PROCESS_START (dtype: numeric)
        REG_REGION_NOT_LIVE_REGION (dtype: numeric)
        REG_REGION_NOT_WORK_REGION (dtype: numeric)
        LIVE_REGION_NOT_WORK_REGION (dtype: numeric)
        REG_CITY_NOT_LIVE_CITY (dtype: numeric)
        REG_CITY_NOT_WORK_CITY (dtype: numeric)
        LIVE_CITY_NOT_WORK_CITY (dtype: numeric)
        ORGANIZATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        EXT_SOURCE_1 (dtype: numeric)
        EXT_SOURCE_2 (dtype: numeric)
        EXT_SOURCE_3 (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FONDKAPREMONT_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        HOUSETYPE_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        TOTALAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        WALLSMATERIAL_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        EMERGENCYSTATE_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        OBS_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DEF_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        OBS_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DEF_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_2 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_3 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_4 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_5 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_6 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_7 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_8 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_9 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_10 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_11 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_12 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_13 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_14 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_15 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_16 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_17 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_18 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_19 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_20 (dtype: numeric)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_21 (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_HOUR (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_DAY (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_WEEK (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_MON (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_QRT (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_YEAR (dtype: numeric)
        Test (dtype: boolean)
        (Rows: 356255, Columns: 123)

Unfortunately it looks like some of the data types are incorrect! Many of the FLAG_* columns should be boolean, not numeric. Featuretools automatically infers the datatype of each column from the datatype in the pandas dataframe which was input to Featuretools. To correct this problem, we can either change the datatype in the pandas dataframe, or we can manually set the datatype in Featuretools. Here we’ll do the same operation as before (add the applications dataframe as an entity), but this time we’ll manually set the datatype of certain columns. In addition to the boolean datatype, there are also Index, Datetime, Numeric, Categorical, Ordinal, Text, LatLong, and other Featuretools datatypes.

# Featuretools datatypes
BOOL = ft.variable_types.Boolean

# Manually define datatypes in app dataframe
variable_types = {

# Add dataframe to entityset, using manual datatypes
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id='applications',

And now when we view the column datatypes in the applications entity, they have the correct boolean type.

    Entity: applications
        SK_ID_CURR (dtype: index)
        TARGET (dtype: numeric)
        NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        CODE_GENDER (dtype: categorical)
        FLAG_OWN_CAR (dtype: categorical)
        FLAG_OWN_REALTY (dtype: categorical)
        CNT_CHILDREN (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_INCOME_TOTAL (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_CREDIT (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_ANNUITY (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_GOODS_PRICE (dtype: numeric)
        NAME_TYPE_SUITE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_INCOME_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_FAMILY_STATUS (dtype: categorical)
        NAME_HOUSING_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        REGION_POPULATION_RELATIVE (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_BIRTH (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_EMPLOYED (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_REGISTRATION (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_ID_PUBLISH (dtype: numeric)
        OWN_CAR_AGE (dtype: numeric)
        OCCUPATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        CNT_FAM_MEMBERS (dtype: numeric)
        REGION_RATING_CLIENT (dtype: numeric)
        REGION_RATING_CLIENT_W_CITY (dtype: numeric)
        WEEKDAY_APPR_PROCESS_START (dtype: categorical)
        HOUR_APPR_PROCESS_START (dtype: numeric)
        ORGANIZATION_TYPE (dtype: categorical)
        EXT_SOURCE_1 (dtype: numeric)
        EXT_SOURCE_2 (dtype: numeric)
        EXT_SOURCE_3 (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_AVG (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        APARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        BASEMENTAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BEGINEXPLUATATION_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        YEARS_BUILD_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        COMMONAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        ELEVATORS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        ENTRANCES_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMAX_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FLOORSMIN_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LANDAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAPARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        LIVINGAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAPARTMENTS_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        NONLIVINGAREA_MEDI (dtype: numeric)
        FONDKAPREMONT_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        HOUSETYPE_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        TOTALAREA_MODE (dtype: numeric)
        WALLSMATERIAL_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        EMERGENCYSTATE_MODE (dtype: categorical)
        OBS_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DEF_30_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        OBS_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DEF_60_CNT_SOCIAL_CIRCLE (dtype: numeric)
        DAYS_LAST_PHONE_CHANGE (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_HOUR (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_DAY (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_WEEK (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_MON (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_QRT (dtype: numeric)
        AMT_REQ_CREDIT_BUREAU_YEAR (dtype: numeric)
        Test (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_MOBIL (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_EMP_PHONE (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_WORK_PHONE (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_CONT_MOBILE (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_PHONE (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_EMAIL (dtype: boolean)
        REG_REGION_NOT_LIVE_REGION (dtype: boolean)
        REG_REGION_NOT_WORK_REGION (dtype: boolean)
        LIVE_REGION_NOT_WORK_REGION (dtype: boolean)
        REG_CITY_NOT_LIVE_CITY (dtype: boolean)
        REG_CITY_NOT_WORK_CITY (dtype: boolean)
        LIVE_CITY_NOT_WORK_CITY (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_2 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_3 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_4 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_5 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_6 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_7 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_8 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_9 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_10 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_11 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_12 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_13 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_14 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_15 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_16 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_17 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_18 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_19 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_20 (dtype: boolean)
        FLAG_DOCUMENT_21 (dtype: boolean)
        (Rows: 356255, Columns: 123)

Now we’ll add the remaining data tables to the entityset. We’ll use index='New' to indicate that there is no index column in the dataframe (which uniquely identifies each row), and a new index should be created.

# Featuretools datatypes
BOOL = ft.variable_types.Boolean
ID = ft.variable_types.Id

# Add bureau dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_CURR': ID})

# Add bureau_balance dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_BUREAU': ID})

# Add cash_balance dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_PREV': ID,
                    'SK_ID_CURR': ID})

# Add card_balance dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_PREV': ID,
                    'SK_ID_CURR': ID})
# Add prev_app dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_CURR': ID,
                    'NFLAG_LAST_APPL_IN_DAY': BOOL})

# Add payments dataframe to entityset
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(
    variable_types={'SK_ID_PREV': ID,
                    'SK_ID_CURR': ID})

Now when we view the entity set, we can see it contains all the dataframes.

Entityset: applications
    applications [Rows: 356255, Columns: 123]
    bureau [Rows: 1716428, Columns: 17]
    bureau_balance [Rows: 27299925, Columns: 4]
    cash_balance [Rows: 10001358, Columns: 9]
    card_balance [Rows: 3840312, Columns: 24]
    prev_app [Rows: 1670214, Columns: 37]
    payments [Rows: 13605401, Columns: 9]
    No relationships

The next step is to define the relationships between entities. That is, what columns in a given entity map to which column in some other entity.

# Define relationships between dataframes
relationships = [
  # parent_entity   parent_variable  child_entity      child_variable
  ('applications', 'SK_ID_CURR',    'bureau',         'SK_ID_CURR'),
  ('bureau',       'SK_ID_BUREAU',  'bureau_balance', 'SK_ID_BUREAU'),
  ('applications', 'SK_ID_CURR',    'prev_app',       'SK_ID_CURR'),
  ('applications', 'SK_ID_CURR',    'cash_balance',   'SK_ID_CURR'),
  ('applications', 'SK_ID_CURR',    'payments',       'SK_ID_CURR'),
  ('applications', 'SK_ID_CURR',    'card_balance',   'SK_ID_CURR')

# Create the relationships
for pe, pv, ce, cv in relationships:
    es = es.add_relationship(ft.Relationship(es[pe][pv], es[ce][cv]))

Now when we view our entityset, we can see the relationships between tables and columns that we’ve created.

Entityset: applications
    applications [Rows: 356255, Columns: 123]
    bureau [Rows: 1716428, Columns: 17]
    bureau_balance [Rows: 27299925, Columns: 4]
    cash_balance [Rows: 10001358, Columns: 9]
    card_balance [Rows: 3840312, Columns: 24]
    prev_app [Rows: 1670214, Columns: 37]
    payments [Rows: 13605401, Columns: 9]
    bureau.SK_ID_CURR -> applications.SK_ID_CURR
    bureau_balance.SK_ID_BUREAU -> bureau.SK_ID_BUREAU
    prev_app.SK_ID_CURR -> applications.SK_ID_CURR
    cash_balance.SK_ID_CURR -> applications.SK_ID_CURR
    payments.SK_ID_CURR -> applications.SK_ID_CURR
    card_balance.SK_ID_CURR -> applications.SK_ID_CURR

Next we can define which “feature primitives” we want to use to construct features. First let’s look at a list of all the feature primitives available in Featuretools:

pd.options.display.max_rows = 100
name type description
0 last aggregation Returns the last value.
1 max aggregation Finds the maximum non-null value of a numeric ...
2 mode aggregation Finds the most common element in a categorical...
3 std aggregation Finds the standard deviation of a numeric feat...
4 min aggregation Finds the minimum non-null value of a numeric ...
5 mean aggregation Computes the average value of a numeric feature.
6 skew aggregation Computes the skewness of a data set.
7 trend aggregation Calculates the slope of the linear trend of va...
8 sum aggregation Counts the number of elements of a numeric or ...
9 median aggregation Finds the median value of any feature with wel...
10 time_since_last aggregation Time since last related instance.
11 num_true aggregation Finds the number of 'True' values in a boolean.
12 avg_time_between aggregation Computes the average time between consecutive ...
13 percent_true aggregation Finds the percent of 'True' values in a boolea...
14 all aggregation Test if all values are 'True'.
15 n_most_common aggregation Finds the N most common elements in a categori...
16 count aggregation Counts the number of non null values.
17 any aggregation Test if any value is 'True'.
18 num_unique aggregation Returns the number of unique categorical varia...
19 month transform Transform a Datetime feature into the month.
20 negate transform Creates a transform feature that negates a fea...
21 latitude transform Returns the first value of the tuple base feat...
22 cum_min transform Calculates the min of previous values of an in...
23 divide transform Creates a transform feature that divides two f...
24 week transform Transform a Datetime feature into the week.
25 not transform For each value of the base feature, negates th...
26 cum_count transform Calculates the number of previous values of an...
27 hours transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
28 minute transform Transform a Datetime feature into the minute.
29 subtract transform Creates a transform feature that subtracts two...
30 cum_sum transform Calculates the sum of previous values of an in...
31 days transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
32 numwords transform Returns the words in a given string by countin...
33 and transform For two boolean values, determine if both valu...
34 weekday transform Transform Datetime feature into the boolean of...
35 time_since_previous transform Compute the time since the previous instance.
36 years transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
37 days_since transform For each value of the base feature, compute th...
38 is_null transform For each value of base feature, return 'True' ...
39 months transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
40 longitude transform Returns the second value on the tuple base fea...
41 mod transform Creates a transform feature that divides two f...
42 weeks transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
43 percentile transform For each value of the base feature, determines...
44 cum_max transform Calculates the max of previous values of an in...
45 second transform Transform a Datetime feature into the second.
46 minutes transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
47 multiply transform Creates a transform feature that multplies two...
48 diff transform Compute the difference between the value of a ...
49 cum_mean transform Calculates the mean of previous values of an i...
50 year transform Transform a Datetime feature into the year.
51 hour transform Transform a Datetime feature into the hour.
52 add transform Creates a transform feature that adds two feat...
53 or transform For two boolean values, determine if one value...
54 seconds transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number ...
55 day transform Transform a Datetime feature into the day.
56 characters transform Return the characters in a given string.
57 weekend transform Transform Datetime feature into the boolean of...
58 isin transform For each value of the base feature, checks whe...
59 absolute transform Absolute value of base feature.
60 haversine transform Calculate the approximate haversine distance i...
61 time_since transform Calculates time since the cutoff time.

We’ll use a simple set of feature primitives: just the mean, count, cumulative sum, and number of unique elements for entries in the secondary data files. However, you could use whichever combinations of feature primitives you think will be needed for your problem. You can also simply not pass a list of primitives to use in order to use them all!

# Define which primitives to use
agg_primitives =  ['count', 'mean', 'num_unique']
trans_primitives = ['cum_sum']

Finally, we can run deep feature synthesis on our entities given their relationships and a list of feature primitives. This’ll take a while!

# Run deep feature synthesis
dfs_feat, dfs_defs = ft.dfs(entityset=es,
                            verbose = True,
                            max_depth=2, n_jobs=2)
Built 218 features

If we take a look at the columns of the dataframe which was returned by Featuretools, we can see that a bunch of features were appended which correspond to our selected feature primitive functions applied to data in the secondary data files which correspond to each row in the main application dataset.


Now that we’ve generated a bunch of features, we should make sure to remove ones which don’t carry any information. Featuretools includes a function to remove features which are entirely NULLs or only have one class, etc.

# Remove low information features
dfs_feat = selection.remove_low_information_features(dfs_feat)

In some cases it might also be a good idea to do further feature selection at this point, by, say, removing features which have low mutual information with the target variable (loan default).

Predictions from Generated Features

Now that we’ve generated features using Featuretools, we can use those generated features in a predictive model. First, we would have to perform feature encoding on our generated features. See my other post on encoding features of this dataset. Then, we have to split our features back into training and test datasets, and remove the indicator columns.

# Split data back into test + train
train = dfs_feat.loc[~app['Test'], :].copy()
test = dfs_feat.loc[app['Test'], :].copy()

# Ensure all data is stored as floats
train = train.astype(np.float32)
test = test.astype(np.float32)

# Target labels
train_y = train['TARGET']

# Remove test/train indicator column and target column
train.drop(columns=['Test', 'TARGET'], inplace=True)
test.drop(columns=['Test', 'TARGET'], inplace=True)

Then we can run a predictive model, such as LightGBM, on the generated features to predict how likely applicants are to default on their loans.

# Classification pipeline w/ LightGBM
lgbm_pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('scaler', RobustScaler()),
    ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),
    ('classifier', CalibratedClassifierCV(

# Fit to training data
lgbm_fit = lgbm_pipeline.fit(train, train_y)

# Predict loan default probabilities of test data
test_pred = lgbm_fit.predict_proba(test)

# Save predictions to file
df_out = pd.DataFrame()
df_out['SK_ID_CURR'] = test.index
df_out['TARGET'] = test_pred[:,1]
df_out.to_csv('test_predictions.csv', index=False)

Running out of Memory

The downside of Featuretools is that is isn’t generating features all that intelligently - it simply generates features by applying all the feature primitives to all the features in secondary datasets recursively. This means that the number of features which are generated can be huge! When dealing with large datasets, this means that the feature generation process might take up more memory than is available on a personal computer. If you run out of memory, you can always run featuretools on an Amazon Web Services EC2 instance which has enough memory, such as the r5 class of instances.